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EDIT : Added the excitement gauge


Excitement gauge : https://www.notion.so/Excitation-gauge-68a0e56a0c974395806a54dbc3287efb

Naughty scenes : https://www.notion.so/3aad3c9f7b894ff79a8a8fc1eaf8371a?v=2d3b10eca4024976b8b8bbd8c43e11e1

Kamesutra mags : https://www.notion.so/Kamesutra-Mags-055d8cd5fa3d4715a0e93134431c7d8b

You can use the arrow to filter the content for each character (screenshot in attachement files)




When bulma trial version is releasing or any news about chichi

Naughty Turtle

Bulma will be playable next month, after the Tournament quest is finished. About Chi-Chi, I'm still working on the animations for the Tournament quest


As I thought we are all chichi fans and waiting for all the events in the diary to develop.

Francisco André Teles

I can't find the Dragon Ball at kame house. I have all the others but this one just isn't showing up for some reason. This is really frustrating.


So, when are you going to post the new version? You said the 30th of April.

Naughty Turtle

Hi Gabriel, the new version is already available here : https://www.patreon.com/posts/46908630