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Edit : +1 image(s)

NOTE : I add "-" between words to avoid the censor of Patreon

This post will be updated from times to time and more content will be added.

Chi-Chi 's intimate diary (NEW)

New pages are available in Chi-Chi's intimate diary and will be unlockable depending on your interactions with them.

  • +6 with Oolong
  • +3 with Yajirobe
  • +2 with Willy
  • +4 with Master Roshi


From now on, the Z-TV in Kame House will tell you all the main features from each new update. It can be viewed again when you interact with the TV and choose the "News" option.

Yajirobe gives Senzu Beans

Only to Chi-Chi players or Supreme Kai (Mind control).

The Robbery (quest)

- A kind helper created the sprite for Launch (normal and blonde) so I added her in the game. She is hidding somewhere and probably robbed an other bank. Find a way to convince her to go at Kamehouse and maybe she will become your personnal maid, like the old times. She will be scannable with the Scouter and you could also win 2 sexy cards from her.

- Ask her some  s-e-x-u-a-l services or choose her outfit to wear.

- Secret cutscene with Lunch + 2 new sexy drawings

Chi-Chi & Willy animation

I'm currently working on the animation between Chi-Chi & Willy. I'm creating an interactive system when you have to w-a-n-k Willy until his excitation gauge is fully filled.

Multiple options to choose like :

- W-a-n-k : press the button until the excitation gauge is filled.

- Show t-i-t-s : the gauge will be filled faster (requires Chi-Chi naughty level 2).

At the end you earn s-e-x-u-a-l experience to unlock new skills like B-oobjob, B-lowjob, Pafu Pafu, etc..

This scene can be redone multiple times with different choices, depending on Chi-Chi's skills.

- Chi-Chi can grope Willy's balls to tease him.

Old quests completed

Some quests were not finished because I needed some new maps but I will finish them "temporary" until I get the new maps so you can complete the game and get the rewards.




Are we getting close to chi chi and Willy going all the way?


I can’t wait to see what all you bring in the next update! I’m really enjoying this game!


nice. i hope some of the cgs also finish


Can we use ChiChi's sex skills on anyone or only Willy?

Naughty Turtle

For now it will be only with Willy. It will be available with other characters in an other update


When can we expect to see V1.0 to come out?

Naughty Turtle

I still don't know yet, it will depend on the time I spend on the animations and drawings that I planned. Maybe in 2 weeks if all goes well. However I will release each new feature as an add on to avoid waiting the final V1.00


Is V1.0 also going to have chi chi nude along with lunch?

Naughty Turtle

It will depend of the sprite artist who's helping me but yes I would like to add her nude skin


I can not wait more When will the next update be?


Regarding the sense bean will chi chi have to do something special for Yajirobe to get one?

Naughty Turtle

I need to finish some stuff so v1. 00 should be available early access next Sunday. There is also a new add on today for tiers 3

Naughty Turtle

It wasn't supposed to but yeah maybe she should do something for it. Do you have ani idea?


Perhaps Chichi has to wear her pink costum like when se was young... any news for the add-on ?

Naughty Turtle

Yes I aready planned an event like this for an other update :-) The add on is almost finished uploading (441mo/593mo). Should be ready soon


liked this new update can't wait for the next one and, please more Chichi


How many new pics of chichi is added and will it go to page 8 of willy

Naughty Turtle

I have a lot of ideas about Chi-Chi so there will be more and also more pages of Willy in future updates


when will there be the sex scene between chichi and willy?


hope to get new version today


I don't think naughty turtle hasn't uploaded any new images


like the new update but that to be continued man... can't wait for the actual ending to the desperate housewife quest it's hope it ending is awesome


i am tier 3 but cant find the crystal ball...help me


supreme kais cristal ball. i canplay as him and have the 100% unlocked but cant seem to find the ball to see the scenes

Naughty Turtle

Make sure you have placed the Patch from Tiers 3 version in the "Patches" folder. To play with Supreme Kai, start a new game and choose him or go in Bulma's ship and you'll find him. To activate Supreme Kai cristal ball, you need to press the"D" Button. Tel me if you succeed