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Welp... it's been quite a year.

I absolutely thank you all for continuing to hang around and support my arts. Times are strange and thus my drawing time is reduced. I think I've got a good way to divide my time though. One month will be the main picture. The next will be the requested pictures. This way you still get a run of art, but you'll only be charged every other month. It will continue like this until other wise stated.

I've sent out the reindeer picture. I even had time to draw a few extras. Nothing fancy, but still fun.

- Ruby nude

- Ruby with ribbon coverings

- Ruby with candy canes (it's tradition)

- Ruby cream pie

I hope you like them as much as I do. Next I'll get on the requested pics and share the art as it gets done.

One other thing I've been mulling over is setting up a supporter Discord. That way I could post art that might be too spicy for Patreon. I'm on the fence about this as I don't really have the time to monitor such a thing. It would be a good place to gather should I get shut down, but if I get shut down... would people be able to connect to the Discord? It would defeat the purpose really. Except for the spicy art. We'll see. I gotta think about it more.

I hope you all are staying safe out there. It's a new year, but it's still crazy town.



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