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I am so, so happy about the latest movie. With your kind feedback I feel we're heading in a new and fun direction. This month was about changing the normal routine and taking the movies to a different place.

Camping Movie

Camping is basically a simple idea with a lot of action, sexy scenes and new characters. On my end I want to see that idea go CRAZIER as we move forward. You all know I work hard to keep upping my art and animation game. I don't take your support for granted!

You are the reason I can keep bringing you more stuff. What this means to me is making sure I'm doing art you and I both like. Which brings me to DECEMBER 2023!

December will be all user picks for the animations! It will be characters you suggested and I chose. There will be transformations and sexy scenes FOR ALL CHARACTERS PICKED! I have no final estimate on the amount of characters but I doubt it's going to be the 20 plus characters suggested. I would like to see each pick get several animations so I have to be careful about overpromising. You know me. I do love to draw!

Growth Lab 57

I hope you are enjoying the new previews for Growth Lab 57. This is also a break from the standard storytelling with more heroes and more transformation action in a new part of the GLab Universe. ALSO - there will be more sexy stuff here too. I love drawing it and ideally you will love seeing the results. haha

OK - back to work on MORE art for you.

Love you all,


[ November Animated Movie - Camping]

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