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I get asked all the time (Narrator: He doesn't) about when Luna will be front and center in the comics! I was in the market the other day and a person walked up and said "Ready, when are we going to see Luna back on a comic cover and maybe even with a pinup page?!?" (Narrator: That did not occur)


Ok, I wanted to drop a quick peek at an upcoming comic. I am still working through Glabs 48 - 50 and looking to do a wrap up of that storyline. In the meantime I am using later comics as a test bed for coloring techniques and the POSSIBILITY of doing regular color comics.

Are you enjoying these comics and what they show? It's been really helpful for me and I'm putting all that knowledge right back into the animations as well! Lots of fun coming your way and THANK YOU AGAIN for your support!


[ Growth Lab Issue 47 ]

[ Growth Lab Issue 51 ]

[ Growth Lab Issue 52 ]

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Luna are beautiful with her dark skin, gair and her suit. I liked with light effect. 🥰🤎💕


Huge lies. I’m the one who brought it up 🤣


haha! I might respectfully make the case one person asking this morning doesn't equal "all the time". Still, you did ask in the Discord so that does mean something! You know I love Luna so any reason to put out more art on her is OK with me. The more Luna fans the better as far as I'm concerned!


She's so fucking hot broooo best gal ever her breasts are legendary as far as I'm concerned.


YES!! Thank you! Luna is really one of my all time favs to draw. haha Appreciate it and glad you like her as well!