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I have a confession. I love to draw! HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!

Comics, animations, art in general! I'm always drawing and love to do transformation art. If you are a long time comic fan you KNOW this and you know I have tens of thousands of pages of comics out there. There is one problem with that though, I'm drawing the art faster than I can produce the books. Production being me lettering, polishing and otherwise getting the book ready for you.

All this leads into - I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOO grateful for those who follow the comics and the stories. I do my level best to make them intelligible and fun and most of all have LOTS of transformations. I work all the time to improve and I hope you enjoy the journey as much as I do.

So, my goal is to once and for all catch up to my comic art buffer. These are the thousands of unlettered and unfinished pages made before the comic gets wrapped. I want to take all those, find the best ones and lock in the story. From there I can make a nice, tidy book with the best transformation and story for the Growth Lab Universe. 

I'm currently working to wrap up the comics to issue #50 (we are on  #46). I'm in the process of cutting to extraneous pages from the first draft of all those issues and hope to get all this out of the way so YOU can see the latest work I'm doing. 

Issue #50 of the Growth Lab

This is something of a landmark issue. When you get this one we will have made nearly 20000 pages of art. Now I will be the very first to say there are a lot of ROUGH pages in there. Still, I think they are also a few gems you might enjoy. Issue 50 will wrap up with the origin of the Growth Lan energy explained (it's extra terrestrial) and what it was meant for and how it's basically caused all sorts of havoc on Earth. I mean, we've seen all this happen but the characters in the story are only now finding out what it actually is.

After 50 I would like to start on some workshop ideas I have been mulling. One, is the "Transformation Universe" series of stories set in the GLab Universe. These are stories around people outside the main cast of characters! The other is to continue with the main storyline (this is Growth Lab 51 and beyond).

Color Comics

I'm doing experiments with making a full color comic (attached to this post). I don't know if that is the future BUT if I see a lot of interest that would be a big up for considering doing more. It's hard to say how much more time a full color comic would take and how many pages it would be. Current comics are 100 plus pages normally and it's more likely a full color on a regular schedule with all the other Patreon things I deliver would clock in on the sub fifty page mark. That would mean 4 comics a year at 50 pages or less. MAYBE more, maybe less. The point is I would spend the same amount of overall time on comic art it would just be a lot more 'produced'.

Like that idea?!?! I think it might be fun!

Comic Subject Matter

This has been discussed at length but comics are my personal workshop for ideas and experimenting. I use them to explore art techniques that ultimately are applied to ALL my artwork.

I also want to stress comics are fun for that very reason. I like certain characters and bring in new ones all the time to test out new ladies for the crew. I also know I recycle certain ideas but I like to think of that as my 'reps' in the 'art gym'. Hey, you don't get good at drawing ripped clothes unless you draw a LOT of ripped clothes.

Check out those pages and see what you think! Are you a comic fan? Give this post a like or comment if you are interested in COLOR Comics!






Wow. Your comic style are amazing with Luna. 😯🥰