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Man, I have wanted to do some variation of this for a while. I plan on a homage to the old Hulk cartoon with a short Hulk out sequence starring Betty Ross into the She-Hulk (or Red She Hulk if you like).

Should have more sequences done over the weekend. 

Just realize this is only the start! I will probably come back to this one over time to refine and recreate it as the animation quality and my skill improves. 

In the short term I will be posting a short BE/GTS sequence of this as part of this month's animation set!

The final will be available to all patrons at the animation tier level.

Enjoy and look forward to getting you this one!





Hey, been meaning to ask. In regards to animations, including the ones with sounds, will those eventually be available to the public and/or lower tier patrons eventually like with comics ands previews? Or will they be permanently exclusive to higher tier patrons?


That is a great question! So great that I will answer it in a bigger post that I have been meaning to write! haha. It will be up soon so check it out!