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Thanks again to all who have joined the Patreon. As you know my goal is to bring you the best BE/GTS art I can. I wanted to give you an update about the coming months and talk more about the animation level tier which I am particularly excited about. 

When I started drawing BE/GTS art way back in the stone age my ONLY thought was to make a competent (perhaps awesome) breast enlargement animated movie. I did a lot of early pencil and paper animations when I was a wee lad and brought all those onto my computer for scanning and cleanup. It was super rough but I was so happy with the idea I could make an animated Village of the Giants or SheHulk movie I kept pressing forward. 

So here we are many years later and you will notice my style has always been pretty open with linework & simplified forms. Well, that has all been in service of the idea of doing animation and NOW WE ARE FREAKING DOING IT!

I know I might not be the BEST artist but I do LOVE the subject matter and I work at bringing you the kind of work I wished was around when I started. 

The animation tier is where I am hoping to connect with more people and bring in more patrons to help realize the dream of BE movies, GTS movies, and more. At first we are going to be going with linework and vignette type shorts. Once things are rolling and IF we get more subscribers I would like to see things like color, sound and more. YOU WILL VOTE for what you want added. If you want sound - then that is what I will focus on adding to films first. If you want color or more story then that is what I will aim for.

All in all I think this may be an area I can deliver something unique that few if any creators are doing. If I was to grab all my archives BE clips or growth clips gathered over the last 20 plus years and make one single B-roll from it I imagine it would be less then ten minutes. 

I think I can bring you ten minutes a lot sooner than 20 years. 

So hang in there and I be rolling out more animations this month. Each 'clip' will have a few parts. These early months will be focused on setting as high a production pace as I reasonably can do. I have another job but if this starts taking off I will quit it and work full time on an animated movie. Can you imagine that? It's been flipping forever since anyone did a BE focused movie. I think Mood Boobs was the last one I can remember. There have been the great works from Leviathan who also does BE with his FMG but overall there is this HUGE gap waiting to be filled. 

Let's see if we can fill it.... with BE! (you knew that joke was coming)

Thank you again and talk with you soon!



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