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I mentioned this on the main site but I will share the full announcement here first. A few changes are on the way for the Patreon and Main Site and I think you will be pretty happy about it!

One -  all previous rewards such as page counts and previews remain. That is we will be doing 40 pages a month for the next long while. I'm not kidding when I tell you I have enough work backlogged to keep that pace till late 2020. Also, the weekly previews will remain so good news there.

Two - I will be creating a new comic that is going to be hopefully a much more crafted and detailed experience. Generally speaking I want to raise the level of the work all around with both the story and the art getting a lot more attention.

The news here is the new comic will likely be something only for the Patreon or a paid purchase at the main site. The details on this are not set at the moment but that is the plan. One possible idea is the comic is a reward for one of the high tiers and for all other tiers they can get a discount on purchasing it on the main site.

I wish I had more details for you but I don't at the moment. The main thing is I will be starting work on this comic now and taking my time to make it.

Something like this is a bit more work than the normal fare so I can't tell you how long it will take to draw or when you can expect a result. 

What I CAN do is post a sample of the kind of stuff you can expect from the comic in terms of art. I will be putting up a free high res version of a an art story for you in the coming days. The idea is to give you a preview of the minimum art level I am aiming for. This won't be the ACTUAL comic - more like a proof of concept thing.

Look forward to any feedback you might have! 



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