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As subscribers know this month we moved from 31 pages a month to 40 pages a month with no change in price! How awesome is that?

The story here is I took a long look at the work I have ready and moving to 40 pages was doable since I have a nice margin which would allow me to publish 40 pages a month for the next two years if I stopped drawing TODAY!

I will be the first to admit some (perhaps much) of my art isn't the most finished or polished but I am consistent in bringing you art on time and over delivering on what I set out to do. When this Patreon started we were doing roughly 5 pages a week which was about 20-25 pages a month. Thanks to your support we are at 40 pages a month now and I feel the art quality is going up. I hope you do too!

Again - this is due to YOUR SUPPORT!

My next goal is to get consistent with the weekly page/panel previews BEFORE I put them as 'official pledge goals'. This is to say I will work to do four previews a week. Each tier level will get one preview and of course the highest tier level will get to see all the lower tier previews. Basically Tier 4 will get 4 previews, tier 3 - 3 previews and so on down to 1 per week for base subscriber. These are mostly sneak looks at the upcoming stories. I will grab images I think you will enjoy and post them for you here. They will be locked to the tier you support and there will be NO PASSWORD. This means you can go browse them anytime you like.

Beyond that I would like to really up the quality of the art and make cleaner looking stories. I think you all have seen my more polished work and that is what I would love to do monthly for you. What is holding back a full comic like this every month? Time and money - simple as that. At my current pledge levels I simply cannot take the time to polish up every page to a super sheen. I do what I can and ALWAYS work to bring the art up at every stage. To have 30-40 pages polished at a comic book level is really a full time job. At that stage I would look to bring in coloring and high quality inking too. Maybe even get an assistant to help with some of the coloring chores. 

So there you have it – more art for you and a look at what is coming down the line.

Hope you enjoy it all and thank you so much for the support!




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