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Hey everyone! Hope you are doing well!

I don't know if you have checked out the front page of the Patreon but there are four tiers for payment now. This is to allow those who want to donate a little extra to have their own tier and me to drop them special perks if something comes up. 

For the most part the Patreon is EXACTLY THE SAME AS IT WAS YESTERDAY. You get tons of art and help me bring you more at the best possible value! The new tiers do have things I am looking at adding soon but I am also open to your feedback and suggestions.

Tier 4 ($10/month) already has a special Backroom Access to my main site where you can come and talk about upcoming stories with me and discuss ideas you might like to see in storylines. For some people that may be a big deal, for others - maybe not. Regardless, I will be happy to work with anyone who wants to on ideas for scenarios, characters and situations. The idea here is Tier 4 is for people who want to donate more and possibly want to collaborate on art and stories. I am ALWAYS drawing and pretty much online regularly. If you pick this tier (and you want to talk about stories and ideas) you an I can talk! It is HIGHLY likely you will see your ideas transformed into actual art. It won't be a commission PER SE but it will be something you will have a hand in. If this tier grows a lot I will do what I can to accommodate any and all people who want to participate. 

As for the other Tiers and payment plans. I am looking at making them a little special too. As you can see from the art that just went up I am bringing back things like contests and new art for everyone. I'd like to also be able to have things like art giveaways or WIPs posted here for people that are interested. Does that sound good? 

As always, suggestions or comments welcome and thank you again for your support!

