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Sorry this is a day later than when I promised but this update was a bit of a doozy and I wanted to properly test everything, also I unfortunately had some data loss, not quite sure how it happened. Turns out the system I was using to make sure NPCs are placed properly in the world is wildly inconsistent depending on the PC running it. It was unfortunately the case that it always worked for me, but people with worse rigs it screwed up on.

I was still occasionally getting the issue with being teleported out of the arena with the new system. I added some sanity checks to it so it shouldn't happen again. I'm still trying to figure out exactly what causes it, unfortunately it seems to be a load/timing issue. I have a few ideas but I wanted to wait till after the hotfix since it might mess some other things up. If you do encounter this bug again please tell me where it happened.




Hey! Appreciate the hard work! Just wanted to let you know some bugs I’ve encountered. 1. Whenever I try to get the lich quest from the board and talk to the apothecary it will not give the option too 2. Battle music seems to not be working anywhere accept when winning the battle will music play 3. The friendly Lime slime in the dungeon will ask for a potion but after giving one will not acknowledge and will not be found outside. Great work on the game though! This is a blast!


I've found that after using an upgraded size sword any stat growth aside from size is completely inverted even when the sword is unequipped, e.g flex pushing muscle into the negative. not too sure what's going on but thought I'd mention it as I can't find it in the bugs section of the changelog