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I will be the first to admit, the inventory in this game is a bit of a mess visually. I thought it would save time to have it render out items, but the current system is inconsistent at best, and at worse it causes performance issues. 

I have been thinking about changing it over to a list based system. Instead of getting icons for every item. It would look a lot more clean, and be more consistent, and less resource intensive. The problem is that with a lot of items it might make it hard to distinguish everything at a glance. 

I thought I would leave it to a vote, and see which one you guys would prefer.


Top Snapper VZ

Sorry if this is a bit much. You could use simpler 2d representations of items instead. The active abilitys have been needing more icons imo, new icons art all around could be an opportunity to add some character to the menus. Items could get a definitive and consistent ordering in your inventory. To cut down on clutter in the inventory you could homogenize the upgrade materials. Only having 3 grades of upgrade materials would probably be enough. In my time playing i only upgrade items so much (idk if theres even a reason to upgrade pass gaining the bonus effects), and the wide variety of materials didn't add much depth/thought to upgrading at all. Adding a tab for food seperate of the consumables tab would be an easy way to further divide the inventory into digestible chunks.Non gamplay affecting armor (clothing/cosmetic items) could get there own tab as well. Maby add a system to send items you're not likely to use (of your choosing) to be sent to the storage box in town. Also wile im writing this I was wondering what would be the most convenient for you way to send bulk information/ideas?


The most convenient way to send ideas is either as comments here or on the discord. I try to get around to reading them all

Chip tuni

I feel like it would be best to just have a setting that allows you to select which type of menu you wanna use