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Back from my break

Updated roadmap

Focus this month will be on character customization and growth

Going to be adding in some more character customization options, new body parts/patterns. I will also be adding new growth animations and trying to make bodyparts look better at higher sizes.

The bodyparts I have planned right now are
Bug Abdomin
spikes/scales for shoulder/hand/knees/thighs
bug antenna
bug wings

spikes along spine

and shark fin on the back

So going to be some bugs next update, but these will be entirely on purpose

If there is any new options you would like to see please post below



Id honestly like some larger African animal parts, rhino, elephant, especially hippo.


Weren't you working on bat parts?


I don't believe anyone has suggested that before. It would add a lot more varitey but I would need to consider how to actually implement it.


Hyped for the bugs!


Any chance for Sergal parts? Such as head and ears, chest bone and tail?


I'm always up for more hair options. Wild ponytail would be nice ... with the distance to the back it wouldn't clip as much


Yes they are. I forgot about that. They are an open species to be freely used but still copyrighted. I understand if you wouldn't want to add them then.

Aku Oreo

A three toed T-Rex/Theropod foot option would be great!

Top Snapper VZ

Warning this is alot. Im going to try and list off stuff that i think would help fill out some particular looks/aesthetic first. Sorry about redundancy, and sorry for how much i wrote. A series of osteoderms/scutes from the tail, up the back to the sholders. To help the gator look. Hair along your spine that starts at the tail and ends mid back. And one that starts at your head to mid back. Dragon wings that arnt so yoked. This gos for all wings. It would be nice to have a variation where there folded down or at rest. A slider for tail angel, up&down. A slender spade tipped dragon tail. Thick ass squirrel/chipmunk tail thats propped upwards. A segmented scorpion tail, for bugs and potentially manticores. cheeks that are a pair of horns, swept back and/or curled forward. Cheeks that are a two little frills/fins. Cheeks that a tufts of hair intended to blend into a mane. Ears that are wide bull/cow horns With bell shaped ears drooping just under. Floppy dog ears. Ears that are just hair. Right now all the hair options bend around the spots were ears would be. Maby also pig tail and brade versions. Ears that are frills/fins Big Curled ram horns, as ears or just horns. Long ass unicorn horn. ossicones, witch is apparently what giraffes horns are called. Forward pointing triceratops horns, and if you wanna flex a Triceratops crest too. I guess you could alwase make the crown as ears, seeing as it would be in that spot. Eyebrow and/or eyelash parts/options. Forked tongue. A leaf nose for a bat. Kinda like an upside-down hart shape. A beak like dragon muzzle. Like a smoother sharper look with a point where the nose would be. Kinda axe shaped at the front, hopefully that makes sense. I might as well suggest an intire triceratops muzzle too. An alternative k9 muzzle thats leaner and more angular, fox muzzle? The current house muzzle has a slider that achieves this effect, idk if you could retroactively add this to the k9 muzzle. For the bugs, little vestigial arms that come out around your ribs. Tuft of hair between breasts/pecks. A spike/spikes between breasts/pecks. A new mane option that is smaller and less shaggy. A frill that goes around some or all of your neck. Tuft of hair that covers the crotch. dragon ego. A smooth rocket shaped ego for avians/sharks/reptilians. A larger exaggerated sheath a with little poken out. An option to remove nuts. An avian styled bust option where the chest is puffed up and sudo featureless. The best goto comparison for what i have for what i got in mind is a 'Raving fan' that has the default skin, pecks, and a really high bust stat. A bust that is bound in a wrap/straplees top of some sort, and gets bifurcated as it grows. Thick hair that covers the entire forearm. Replace your entire forearm with mantis claws... who cares how thay end up holding a weopon. Thick hair that covers the entire lower leg. Raptor/dino feet. With or without a big claw. Cloven hooves. Preferably built for the digitgrade slider turned up. Increase the upper and lower range on neck-length and head-size. Customizable nipples and/or areole An option to have the masculine-feminine slider to be separated, and allow editing of the seperate values it governs. Greater level of customization for your ego, horns, and tail. Even if getting access to the greater customization requires me to toggle off multiples for that part. There might be some parts/looks where might be easier/better to replace something entirely, and accept that it has its own separate pool of options. For example i think that a longer necked almond shape head that places the eyes slightly more to the sides would work well with a snake or weasel appearance, but not so good for a feline. The current head, and the exmple almond head would have there own set of parts/sliders, so one doesn't limit the other. I will admit this is a tad extreme, but might work well with upcoming buggs. Last one i promise. Idk what format the patterns are? I cant imagine it would be easy, but have you ever thought of allowing people to add custom patten files into the game. Maby with a custom assets folder and a naming scheme for the assets placed inside to fallow. This game is incredibly pro player choice, and this idea seems like an idea that would fit well. You could go as far as making templates that express how different parts of the square image wrap or set on different areas of any given limb/face/etcetera. Thats literally everything i got. If you need clarification on anything just let me know. Full disclosure, i ant got a clue how hard it would be to implement any of this. Your not gunna upset me one bit if you never even consider any one thing i put down here, im just happy your taking input. You probably dont hear it enough as you should; you are doing a great job with this game :) Hopefully this is a more fun an update to work on than the last. Keep killing it. To anyone who read all this, i hope you have a wonderful day.

Aku Oreo

Lots of good ideas here but I really love the squirrel/chipmunk/skunk tail one!

Orange Potato

More mini games for growth


Finally the bun feet update

Aku Oreo

Maybe a honeypot abdomen? Unless that's what you had planned?


I am at a very high level and I know it’d be really hard or impossible but if the body parts didn’t clip that would be amazing. It’s a shame to have to scale back the size when you worked so hard to get it


its hard to put a definition on beauty as a standard for anything since its a per person thing thats why its so hard to get to a point where every party involved in a sex themed game to get to agree on the final looks, Beauty is in the eye of the beholder afterall. My only suggestion is that there will be a map upscale at some point so there is more land to stomp on with your now massive feet :)