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Just showing you a sneak peek of what is going to be in the menu ;)

For some reason when I made Asgore, he was one of the most voted characters in my polls but still ended up being my biggest flop somehow. I assume is because I dre him with Toriel and y'all geis only lol.

Anyway I asume 99.99999% of gei furries fantasize with him so this is what it will be.

My plan was to just post the sketches and let you pick what you wanted BUUUUUT decided to animate the sketches so that you can make an informed decision if you want it or not.  That is the reason why I said I would post it like a week ago and still haven't.




This looks really good!


Well thank you. I'm not even gonna ask which character you want for a YCH cuz I already know lol