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If you haven't recieved this reward please give it a few minutes after reading this. Mass DMs saturate the patreon servers so it takes a few  minutes to send them all.

This is supposed to be Gyobu, Kimun kamui and I threw in Bathym because he looks kinda slu++y lmao.  Here is a wip of what the scene will be. Fear not, it will not be as long as the bowser one lol. I'm pretty sure I can finish these three animations in january if everything goes as planned. We have this close up, one will be a kumhshot from the inside and another will be a view were we can see their faces.

As you can read in the title this is very likely the last one of the year. Honestly I could tell you I can still do one more this week but truth is I need a break at least this week because honestly I'm not gonna be working around 4 days of this week for obvious reasons so even if I did worked the other 3 days I'm not really gonna finish anything in so little time.

So lastly I want to wish everyone happy holidays and a happy new year. It's not been a great year for many I know but we alwas have this moment once a year to wish for it to get  better and I think it is important to keep looking forward for something. Keep your hopes up with whatever your goals are and I hope you achieve it.

See ya next week. 



Peter Parker

Can I get the animation link for this one too

Logan Bawes

Hi, I would like if this video is still available.