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I've been drawing Bowser and Luigi for so long that my brain is fried and can no longer think of any other characters.

So, I went back to check previous polls and noticed Housamo never ever wins!!!. They are always close but never the winners. So this is it. A housamo poll is next. Fear not, this won't be as long as the bowser one.... Hell! I won't be doing that many anims for the same character in a very long time.

P.S: Horkeu is excluded cuz I'm tired of seeing him everywhere -_-



Fuck this is so hard, can’t we just do a group scene wirh ahab, kimon ,typhon , texca , chernobog and behemoth????


Luigi an bowser were hot cause they had vastly different body types, but ya have the same characters can get dry. Plus everyone loves bears


I like that more honestly, these ones are mostly big so it will be a bit more challenging