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  • luigisuck.mp4



Hello everyone. I know this has takken longer than usual for a couple of reasosn I have mentioned before, but for  those of you that haven't been following here is the short version:

I was sick from a throat bacteria that didn't let me work for around two weeks, after that I was working very slowly since my sleeping schedule was all over the place, I normally  animate after I get out of my second job but those few days I was just getting home to sleep, another thing is that I'm trying to stray away from simply looping animations, sure there will always be things that have to loop but I want to make this look like a real anime scene by doing NOT looping things too, so you can guess that I'm not finished with bowser, I'm gonna do more angles and positions and even things that are not necessarily p3n3+ra+/0n to make it look like a real anime scene.




And on top of that my first ever boyfriend dumped me... What a ride these past weeks have been C: 

Ahem...So about the animation as usual this is still just a part of it so things are not final like for example the overall colors and the camera shake at the end I kinda made it in a hurry just to show you how it looks so it still needs work.

Tomorrow I'll post the storyboard so you have a better understanding of what things will the whole scene include.

Cheers. Enjoy and thank you all for the support even when I take this long to post.




Your well being should always come first and it sounds rough but I’m wishing you the best <3 It’s already looking amazing and I love everything about it so I’m excited to see how it develops!


Thank you for your wishes. Last night was refining the storyboard and I think next one is gonna be waaay better

Crunchy Mouse

And as usual so dang good I can't wait for more snippets of this animation