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  • WIP Beelzemon.mp4



In this one Leomon is still not visible but fear not, I will make this one with multiple angles as seen in  the WIP sketches.

Also, you  know since this a WIP it still doesn't have post processing so it will not fully look like this, I just need to have all the animations before doing that because I can keep consistency like this. 

Anyway, enjoy this for now.



Solitary Hyena

ooh this is nice progress. Can't wait for more angles and Leomon!


It's kind of tricky. Not even in the anime they draw him right, Just google his name on images and every angle looks off model :S

Trick Rex

God damn just when I think you can't find a new angle.. Always bringing out the gold


I know my audience is more into tops, it is very difficult because you always have to look for an angle where both are visible, but since now I'm making animations longer, I have decided to use these angles where sometimes one of them isnt visible.