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It's a bit difficult working when sick but show must go on, soon I'll post more WIPS and parts that are finished. Also doing more angles on this one, like last time, I want scenes to have more than one angle.




Stay safe, please :( I hope you recover fast and well


Oh shit man, hope you'll get better. Rest as much as you can!

Kyle Masters

Hope you feel well soon


As much as I’d like to see more of your art, taking care of yourself is more important. Hoping you aren’t pushing yourself and wishing you a speedy recovery.

Vex the Pichu

Get plenty of rest, and I hope you'll have a fast recovery


Please be careful and drink lots of liquids and get lots of rest bih. This virus is no small matter at all >>;


Thank you but that's the grown up life. still working from home on my main job so rest is not allowed sadly. Fear not I'll recover, I'm sure


You better or I am going to beat you back to life >:<

Papa Manti

Man. Get better bro. I dont fucking care about art and shit. Make sure you take care.of yourself. We appreciate ya dude


I really hope you can get well soon! Take it easy and you'll be feeling better in no time!