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Hello everyone. It's the beginning of a new month and as expected after the hype of my last animation is normal to lose some patrons which is always saddening but regardless I'm grateful for their support even if it's just for a month, also I like to point out that I'm very happy to see most of you decided to stay <3. 

Thinking about this made me think that it would be fair to give something back to those of you that decide to stay month after month. Though we have to think about something so I want to hear suggestions from you because the simple way out would be make monthy raffles but that is against the terms of service of the site so  that is a no go.

The idea of giving you a free comission each would be way overwhealming. imagine at this point I have 57 patrons, imagine if I had to make 57 comissions, that would be way too much and in the future if this page grows it would get even more overwhelming

I was thinking maybe 5 or 6 months supporters could get their OCs animated by me in a G-bang this way you would have invested 30$ to be in an animation and that would be an insane deal for you and at the same time I could cover lots of people at the same time. Though same as the idea of comissions, the bigger the page gets the more overwhelming it would get.

So I want to hear from you if possible what's your idea on how to reward people that support me for longer periods of time? 

P.S: Don't hold back suggest anything you want :)




Also by the way. The G-bang idea has another flaw, that is that I don't want to force anyone to borrow their OC to be in a scene with someone else's OC that they don't like :\ This is why it is important to hear your suggestions

Solitary Hyena

Gang-bang scene sounds really nice and easy to do for the most part. : p


Have to figure out a way to filter people without them feeling left out