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Please become a free follower and let me know how you like the site. Who knows, since it's more catered to our kind of content, it could even become our new Patreon.

As my mother always says, the people who thrive are the people who adapt. So, let's adapt.

Let me know how you find it, Teacups.

As I said, all the FREE stuff is gonna be uploaded there and if you guys like it, we'll make it our new home with subscription tiers to boot.

Thank you for suffering all my mad obsessions. I just really want to hold onto the good thing that is my job and the community that you guys have fostered.



Lachlan Parker

The main concern I have is the lack of a mobile app. If it doesn't have one, things will be more difficult and tedious for myself and many others to access the content. I've used the website previously for another ASMR lady, and it's annoying. I am so very sorry to be a downer, Tea, but I can't keep this potential hinderence to myself.