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Unfortunately, a family member has hurt their back and needs to be in bed with strong pain killers. This wouldn’t be a huge issue except they have a toddler with additional needs. They’re a single parent and there’s no one else to help.

I would normally ask my mum to help in these situations, but she’s not been physically well lately, so unfortunately, a lot of my time this week has been taken up with helping. Not to mention taking other family members to and from work and checking in on grandparents.

I sincerely apologise for there only being two audios this week. I’ll see if I can get something out this weekend. It’s just been a long week and I wanted to keep you posted.


Lost Puppy

Take Your Time, family first work second ALWAYS :D

Bill Pedersen

Madam, I can assure them helping a family member In a time of need Is quite just and noble. Oh yes, one more thing bye mama a Pear Lager.