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HELLO ALL! I just wanted to share a quick update! Dollie Date Nite is being wrapped up and I think we will have all the animation work done by the 16th. I am going to shoot for a release date of the 21st but I will know something more solid next week.

Also, we are working on a Mary JOI video that is going to be a little bit of a "filler" episode outside of the main story line of anything to get our new animators comfortable with our characters and our pipeline. The Mary JOI video will be rendered in POV and possible in VR as well. VR rendering takes 10x longer so, it will take 2 months of 24/7 rendering at least -_- but... more on that later this month.

As of now, I actually have a huge backlog of rendering to do because we have so much animation work completed, so I am going to buy a 5th rendering machine to help keep up with all the animation being done.

SO AS OF NOW this is what the GOAL schedule looks like! Kitten Milf MIGHT be pushed back

  • Dollie Date Nite = Feb
  • Kitten Milf = March
  • Bucked Up = April
  • Mary JOI Video = May
  • Fairy Pawg Mother 2 = May
  • All My Roommates Love Season 2 = June

I will try to render out an animation preview for you for Monday!


Loren Moore

Would be awesome if you could have a Valentines release since it is a date

Michael Obert

Don't get too backed up Red, it's not good for your stress or the sexy times. Remember to stop and smell the penises!

Mr Grayson

Thank you for all that you do. Your tireless effort just to make smut for us lowly masturbating rabble. I commend thee.

Freddy Sigma

Sounds good, Red! I'm looking forward to everything! 👌🏻😉

Davey McDave

ARG, idk if your male, female,trans, Centaur, or other Fae. Whomever you are, I think I love you based on your content. Keep being you, you're amazing. Thank you for your hard work!

Spaghetti Yeti King

My Brother in arms! Chill, don't burn you candle at both ends. I am inspired by how you treat your craft


im just penis, nothing more, nothing less. just penis. all penis. all the penis... 24/penis

Freddy Sigma

You (and your team) have come a LONG way, Red! I've been a fan since the original AMML video surfaced on PH!


"long" LOL nice....... OOOH thank you for enjoying these for so long!!! that is so nice to hear

Davey McDave

So you practice those lines? Regular poet huh? I guess it is true what they say, "The Penis Mightier"

Matthew Ryan

Thank you for being awesome!! Penis!!


As always you’re the greatest Red. Please don’t work yourself sick. Penis away !! 🦸‍♂️🦸‍♂️💦💦

El Magnifico

Loving the regular updates. Communication is the foundation of any strong relationship…. Strong…..


It's good to have an update on the release schedule as well as an estimated time on Dollie Date Nite. Keep up the great work!


A 5th render pc? Sounds like you could do with a rackmount at this point with 4U mounts and many many GPU per pc, and all the pci lanes you can get. I mean a whole 42U render rack with 5GPU each and 192 thread cpu's isn't going to be power efficient, it's like.... 20 Kw by the time they're all spinning. Kinda hard to pass that through a rental house, you'd need a proper studio space. So yeah, maybe a 5th workstation is better. Long as your power doesn't go out

paul rankin

Like Jack said... But if your finances allow it, go for it!


I am beyond hype for the Mary JOI video!!! I hope it has an epic cumshot!!!!

Agent IsNice

Post the render rig setup!!! Render Farm Porn!!!


Can’t wait for dolly date night to finally release