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Hello all! I am out of surgery. I had to have my gall bladder removed today. The pain is pretty brutal right now so I will probably not work for the next day or two. My team is still working on Door 2 Door and AMRL10 and I’ll try to catch up this weekend.

Thank you so much to everyone for all the kind words. It really made me feel good to see all the positive comments and well wishes. You are amazing and I truly appreciate all of your kindness. I was so scared and still am a little but you lifted my spirits a lot.

I’m going to rest now but I’m really eager to return to work and I’ll try to post another update and animation preview by the weekend.

PS: penis.

Also, has anyone seen my gal bladder? Swear I had it with me this morning…



Happy to hear it went well, get better soon


I hope you get better soon 🙏🥺🙏

Robert fo

I had mine out too. After you heal i think you will find that you feel much better. That was my experience anyways. Get tons of rest and dont worry too much. Take care Red 😘


Yes recovery before cumming for 😃


I ate your gall bladder with fava beans and a nice kianti. fffffffff

Dennis Adsit

Glad things are going well as I just had skin cancer removed from my shoulder and Nose[on my face hehheh]get well soon


Good to hear Red... May the futa gods bless their greatest prophet with a speedy recovery ❤️ Rest up as long as you need... We'll be here when you get back... All us futa junkies can always rely on you to deliver the good shit. You're like the Walter White of futa creators... (the comparison, of course, being to the quality of content, and not to your morality/character... I mean, unless the futa game is hard af like that... I wouldn't know... I'm no baller... Though I could go for a nice, fat pair of futa balls right about now... I digress)

John McCarthy

Jeez they took out your bladder ? ... what was wrong with it ? ... so now what tricks do you have to do with out it ? ...


I have had a laparoscopic procedure and the trapped air was so painful. If you had laparoscopic too, I get what you feel…. It sucks. Feel better


Your spirit is amazing!! It’s one of a billion. Wish you the best of recovery and always stay positive!!


I hope you feel better soon, I had surgery on my eye recently but I was wondering if there was updates for your game and where to find it finished