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HELLO! Sorry for being a day late on this update.. I was really "BUSY" if you know what I mean... hahaha *horse laugh*

LISTEN, check out Maggie's feet, arn't their neat? It's a subtle thing but our characters have been missing feet textures since day 1... so, going forward, we are going to make sure they have proper feets textures just like mother nature intended 🤩

Welp, that's all I got for you today! I hope that you have a merry saturday and that your sunday provides you lots of opportunities to put your penis into things!

happy penis sunday!

penis! penis! PENIS! PENIS!!!



E. Normus Deenghis

I'm not sure about the texture but on the foot thing, but does this mean Maggie will be foot-long from now on... Oh DAMN! Now I have that stupid song in my head... $5...$5... $5 footlong, baby baby baby... noooooooo!


Does this mean we are going to see some high heels some time soon?


I love feet!

El Magnifico

Curlin them toesees!

