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So Fira is one of the fantasy characters that wont appear in the main movie but she will have a chance to interact with all the characters in the fantasy/extreme add on. I still have to figure out her hair/skin but you might notice she has something a little different from the other girls. Yep, thats a horse dick. So Fira can change reality around her... including her size,  body parts, other people etc... in the blink of an eye. I will elaborate on her more but here is something to look at for now. Going to work on her more tomorrow.




where do i find that animation? :-)


Good ole horse dick ('_')b For some reason she reminds me of the great fairy from Zelda right now. Looking forward to seeing her completed


Me too! Im going to post a short animation of her asking for some help with deciding her final boob size, hair style, and dick size either tomorrow or Tuesday.