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OK SO TO BE HONEST.... (are you sitting down? if not, sit down, please)

5% completed may be a LITTLE bit of an exaggeration... maybe its more like 4.69% but... 5% rolls off the tongue better.

ANYWAY, now that I got that nonsense out of the way, this is Yuna. She is at work... she has big boobs. There's not a whole lot else going on in this quick render BUT I will share more soon!

Stay tuned!... seriously... just hang in there... this is a whole new show! Lot's of cogs turning ya know? Bear with me!




She looks very hot. Nice job designing her. I can’t wait to see her brought to life on the big screen! 😜


I’d suck her tits


looks delicious! i cant wait!

Captain Marder

How long do I have to hang? Not sure if i'm strong enough.

James P

damn, good start

Terrence Bohlken

Are You out of your Little mind Res?????.........Not much going on????....Well Theres that Red Hair......See I have a thing about redheads...Married 3 of them..Dont get me Started!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..........And you can tell she has Nice Firm Nipples ...and those Lips and and those Almond Eyes and......SEE WHat Happens when you get the old Man Going....5%......Pish/Posh!!!!!


Love the high quality graphics, this sounds like it has some really good erotic potential. ;)

Dennis Adsit

Just coming down off of the last picture show you had for us now things seem to be on the rise again things are looking nice keep up the good work girl


thank you for the work you do Red!

Joseph Johnson

Always love a beautiful red head, can wait to see what you have for us.


Love her face and eyes!