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  • ManCanVRPOVVersion.mp4
  • ManCanVRTestFinal.mp4



*EDIT* Audio SFX Fixed

Hello everyone! Here are download links to our first VR animation Mary's Ride! This is just the POV scene from Mandy Candy rendered out in VR. I just wanted to see if it was something that I could do. Below are links to both the POV and VR Version. You can also just download them from this post =) This is a 1 minute clip, rendered in 4K designed for 180 3D side by side viewing.

Mary's Ride VR Version (Please use GoFile if at all possible):

POV Version (No VR Required but this is just the POV scene from Mandy Candy):

SO a couple things, first, this is my first attempt at doing anything designed for VR. So I do not understand the realm super well. I viewed this on an Oculus VR head set with a program called "VR Animation Player". Once I connected the Oculus to my PC and put the video on my Oculus, I opened "VR Animation Player" then clicked "My Library" then opened the video and changed the format to 180 3D. To me, it was a fun experience and now that I understand the process, I can make some changes in the future to make some more immersive fun stuff (like walking around a room watching characters do stuff etc)...

If you have any of the other VR headsets and you are willing to share your experience, please let me know how you were able to view the file and what your thoughts were.

FINAL NOTE! This didn't take a ton of time to make, however, it did take 10 days to render this 1 minute clip. I spent maybe a day on figuring out how to render this. Was it worth it? Let me know your thoughts! Do you want to see more of this? Too soon? What does your mom think? Did she enjoy it?

Please, let me know! Enjoy!

If you have another device and would like to provide instructions for others, please do, and I will post them here =)

Oculus Instructions (this is what I tested this one):

  • Put Movie File On Your Oculus
  • Download VR Animation Player App
  • Go to "Your Media"
  • Open this video file (pause the video)
  • In the bottom right hand corner click 2D and changed it to "180 3D" (I will have to learn how to make this automatic but im sure its not super hard)
  • Watch as Mary ride's you, cums and squirts on you



Will Johnson

Works great on my oculus as well. O use the Play'a viewer and also had to go into the settings to get it to play right, but once I did, so worth it. You can log into patreon directly from the VR browser and download it directly from the headset without needing a PC. I could almost feel mary's hot spunk on my forehead!!!


Watched it on my index with the SLR app and everything worked great! cant wait for more VR!


Hey! How are you doing? Are you doing ok? I have been leaving messages about my request.


Works great! I second the notion that you should do a whole third person movie, like AMRL 7 would be excellent! A higher frame rate would also be nice.


Worked a treat on MSVR/Reverb G2.. I don't understand the 10 day rendering? Can we have one of Mary doing a slow striptease, nice close ups.. I'll pay my Patreon forever! Good work :)


Wow what an experience. Very good work, please make more and longer of it. I love it.


ow! my eye! this is why actresses like to close their eyes during the money shot.


Been away for over a month, and all kinds of good stuff waiting! Haven't had a chance to view in VR yet, but the regular one was awesome. I'm one of those who likes the pee content and having Mary pee at the same time as coming was a wonderful surprise!!


This was amazing! I actually found your patreon via this VR video and signed up. Please, please make more!


I have a reverbG2 and I just went in to steeem and played it in the beta Vr media player. worked like a charm. the video clarity is on par with 8000$ vr cameras and giant vr porn corporations! color me impressed. it did look rather big though. like the scale was wrong. how far apart were the 2 render points? if I had to guess , I would say the two fov point weren't far enough apart. If the two points of view were "eye distance" apart it would look more to scale. but perhaps the error was on my side. either way It was really impressive. like really impressive. I loved it. I would love to see more in the future. its a shame it took 10 hours. I would definitely love and prefer to watch all your vids in vr.... even if that meant they were in lower resolution!!!! <333333