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I may be a little quiet next week as I hyper focus on finishing up my last section of this animation! Our goal is to release this full animation the first or second week of April... I will let you know ASAP when I have a release date I can commit too.

SO FAR... we have 7 minutes of animation done, 3 different cum shots... and some other stuff that isn't allowed on the internet.



Phantom Sonic

Omg 75% we almost there ^^


The best things on the internet are the things that aren't allowed on the internet.

J.S. Bloodwine

Don't skip on the polish phase! We'll be good! I'm just going to sit on my hands over here. Wait..I have a better idea for these things. See you in a week or two!


Take your time. We'll wait forever. Your work is always worth the wait.


Please tell me more about the "stuff that isn't allowed on the internet"...I NEED TO KNOW

DJ honey

Can't wait


Okay at least I mouthed "AW, CUTE!" instead of telling the customer that.


If it can't be on the internet, how you gonna send us it? Gonna mail us DVDs? Betamax tapes? Lol.

Freddy Sigma

You had me at "and some other stuff that isn't allowed on the internet." 🤐😉😈👌🏻


EVERYTHING is allowed on the internet… somewhere! 😉🤣


I will straight up buy a physical copy of whatever isn't allowed out of morbid curiosity


If you tell me, I will send you your keys…. Just sayin’