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Hello everyone!!! SO the first update to Mommy's Quest! (Version 0.1) will be coming out this Friday! We are going to do one major thing differently this time around and offer a play through video for people that cannot download and play the game. That way everyone can view all the new and old animations and scenes! Below is a list of the updates for version 0.1

Mommys Quest! Version 0.1 Update


  • Added A "Map" to the Game With Various Locations To Visit
  • Added Gabriella Barnes Scenes!
  • Gabriella Barnes Anal Sex Scene + Cumshot
  • Gabriella Barnes Booby Sex Scene + Cumshot
  • Added Karen Hawthorne-Flemington Scene!
  • Karen Wall Slaps
  • Karen Wall Kicks
  • Karen Wall Punchs
  • Karen Anal Sex + Cumshot
  • Added Character Bios to the Game
  • Added Gallery (to revisit characters) to the Game
  • Fixed Some Animations for Emma
  • Added a few "upcoming" teasers

Also, I want to say that we are still learning as we go! This is our first time working on a game and... well doing all of this stuff. I would love to hear as much feedback and ideas as possible when the update is released! So please don't be shy!

I also have a special surprise coming this week (other than this game) 😏




love futa love you


Merci pour tout ça continue comme ça !

Ciarán M

Oh Barnes looks so insanely cute! Super excited to get to play with her 🥰


This sounds awesome! It's hard to find decent games. Looks like I joined just in time. I don't mind paying for a good game so I'll just say that once you get this nailed down don't be afraid to charge independently for the standalone game.

Robert D.

When 1.0 comes around release it on Steam and Affect3D. It’ll be really popular I bet.


Yay thank you so much


Everything looks great Red! I know that these are 3D rendered static scenes, so it's not like a sprite based game where this would be easy, but if there's anything I would like to see added it would be the ability to change their outfits/makeup. Otherwise, just keep doin' what you're doin'. :D


This game is my new favorite part of agentredgirl team. Keep it up everyone!


Thank you so much for making a playthrough video. I do all this on my phone, so that will make things a lot easier.

Freddy Sigma

Woohoo! 👏🏻👌🏻


thanks so much for all your hard work to make us hard


a camera that you can move around and zoom parts as mss barnes anus would be awesome great work as usual agent.


your work is not futa is way better than that your creating a new style

Niblet The Cat

Awesome news, can't wait to play it this weekend!


Thanks for the play through content...I tried to play the game on my laptop but had alot of crashes


is there a build we can play right now?

bobby stronzheim

The new build might run better for you, and if you're open to posting the error you're getting I can see what's going on and try and help


How do access the play through video?

Len Bruins

The game is great. but the only thing I would say to change is if something is not implemented yet don't make it clickable, gray them out for an example.