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Hello all! I hope you are well! I just wanted to share a quick update about our next projects =)

Centaur Things 3 - RISE OF THE DOE = is around 7% done. It took a little bit to get everything setup and ready for animation and rendering but we are full steam ahead on this project now and I will be providing regular updates starting this week!

Mommy's Quest! Update 0.1 = is around 70% done. Also, I know the "demo" version was called version 0.69 but that was a bit of a meme. From here on out, we will go by versions in increments of .1 or .05 until we get to version 1.0 (which will be the full game).

I will provide update on both these project throughout the month. The hope is release both of these next month!




Can't wait looks so good

Ciarán M

Oooh, so Emma ends up with the kitty girl in Mommy's Quest? I'm sure that'll be so much fun 😉 She looks so sexy with just her little bits of purple lace 💜 And wow, Emma's outfit is super hot too, she's rocking that black🖤


Oh my! Karen & Emma together? Can't wait to see that scene...hngh!!


Awesome! So looking forward to mommy's quest! That chastity cage is an excellent touch. 👌


Karen looks great,but, Emma OMG can't wait to see😛😈👌👍

Robert D.

Love Emma in the black lingerie!


Looking forward to seeing it


Yes, more chokers!


These look yummy! What a great Valentine's Day treat!


Awsome Red! ❤


Centaur butt is on the menu.


so happy for more centaur action