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Hello everyone! Here is the animation for Movie Night Part 1! As a reminder, it has been broken into two parts because the whole animation is around 16 minutes long. Once the second half is done, we will release that AND a combined version as well. I hope you enjoy!

Dropbox Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/027dm4y1vvybzgb/MovieNight.Part1.V1.mp4?dl=0

Mega Link: https://mega.nz/file/WjACSRzZ#jw_Qvx6nKUMBVlM-XL78nGxfaK6XvWq4IVe4IRpwSho

MediaFire: https://www.mediafire.com/file/x5sl7aqcz9hrmzz/MovieNight.Part1.V1.mp4/file

As many of you know, personally, I have been going through a lot this year. House flooding, car broken into, dealing with insurance, some legal stuff for my mom... etc... BUT it seems things are looking better. Everything is settled with the insurance for now, the court case for my mom is finished as of day, and my house is about 60% completed!

In fact, the bulk of my equipment is now up and running back in my house. Going forward, I should be back to working at 100% capacity from tomorrow forward.

Thank you SO MUCH to everyone who was kind, patience, offered advice, helped, and or supported me as I made my way through this difficult time in my life. I know a lot of people have suffered through much worst but I cant imagine what it would be like without people telling you its going to be ok and you are going to make your way through it.

I hope you enjoy the animation =) Part 2 is already underway and I will provide some specific updates ASAP. After Part 2, we will be moving onto KITTEN TAMER!

TOTALLY NON-SEX-RELATED STORY BELOW (Not a joke this is boring and sappy)

A few days ago I was in the doctors office. I had been having the pain in my chest. Basically, every now and then my chest would feel really hot and I would feel uncomfortable. The nurse started asking me if anything stressful was going on in my life. I started to tell her about my house, my car being broken into, dealing insurance, my moms legal case, trying to run my business, getting COVID and some other stuff that happened. I was pretty chipper about it all and kinda jokey.

The nurse was on her computer and she stopped, turned her chair around, moved her chair in front of me then grabbed both my hands. She looked me in the eye and starting telling me that she knows I will make it through this and that everything is going to be ok. She can tell I was strong and I am trying my best even though bad stuff keeps happening, I will make it through to the other end. She also said a lot of religious stuff, that I am not going to repeat.

Well, midway through her speech I broke down into tears. And... not like crying a little. I started sobbing uncontrollably. She held me close and hugged me and waited patiently for me to stop crying. When she finally pulled away, I felt like thousands of pounds of pressure had been lifted off my shoulders/chest (sorry, not to sound sappy). But INSTANTLY, I felt better.

I have no idea who that nurse was. I had never seen her before. I had no idea this was going to happen. Her words wern't especially powerful... her message was good (but she just said stuff I already knew, it will pass, it'll be ok etc..)

What brought me to tears was that another person, who I had never met or seen or every talked to before took a few minutes out of their day to show me kindness. I had never experienced genuine, face to face, kindness like that before in my entire life. I simply didn't know it was a thing or that people did stuff like that.

Again, I don't want to sound sappy but I spent hours that day crying about this event with the nurse that took place. Even now writing this it brings me to tears that someone can be so warm. I now realize that the 2 or 3 minutes she spent with me had an INCREDIBLY positive impact on my entire psyche and mental well being.

I guess what my point is... if you know someone who is going through something difficult, even if they seem 100% ok on the surface, but you know what they are going to has to hard on them, stop, take a few moments out of your day, hold their hands, tell them its going to be ok, and if they want it, let them hug you and cry if they need to. Don't move until they are ready to move. Even if its only for a couple minutes, I promise you it can make the biggest difference in the world to them.




🤬 just blew my load. This is 10 minutes late.


you're amazing Red, keep up the great work 💕


Glad you got to have that experience, stay safe in the storm! Thank you for everything you do!


Keep up the great work and it´s also great you´re feeling better, sometimes we just need someone to cry on/to. Hope everything keeps on getting better

NJ Dickson

Glad you’re feeling better and glad some of that weight on your shoulders/pressure finally fell! ❤️


Can we please get Mary and urban dictionary!


Thank you, Red! I can't wait to watch it!


Thank you for sharing and glad you are feeling better and that things are looking up! Hopefully we get to see Mary destroy some pussies in the next part! =D

Chea Robinson

cool I was wondering if you were going to make it today. can't wait to watch it.

paul rankin

What a lovely story! I found your telling it to be both heart warming and informative. Good for you!


I’m glad you got to get that off your chest. I think everyone knows how stressful it’s been. I’m glad you shared that story with us


Wow this was so worth the wait you really did your thing I was squirting everywhere 😫 thank you so much you are such a talent


Wow Red!!! You and your team are AMAZING!!! Thanks for distracting me tonight!!


Omg that TEASE!!!!


Awesomeness! ^_^ And your story wasn't boring at all, it was beautiful :)


Aww, im glad you felt some real love today, even if it was from a stranger, its very wholesome

Chris SuttonSr

Red, I just finished the first half and I'm literally aching for the rest. Bonus: my phone percentage after viewing 69%


Omg!! Mary appears extra sexy especially with thicker thighs!! Can't wait for part 2!! Blue ovaries indeed!!


What a good way to wake up, hot new video and some faith restored in humanity with a story of a healthcare worker who still cares. I hope this hell year starts to clear up soon for you Red!


What a heartwarming story Red, so glad you could get some of that emotional weight off your chest and thanks for sympathetic nurses. As too the new animation loved it, and glad the mommy dynamic is back. Keep it up 😊


Stay strong and stay healthy Red!


Red, your acting through these characters has gotten better and better as you and your studio has finished each successive episode. The way Mary looks at Maggie towards the end of this short communicates such hunger and lust that... just... DAMN! Keep it up, and you'll keep the rest of us up :D. In a word... AMAZING!


Red, I’m glad you got to release some of the built up anxieties and pressure from all the shit that’s been happening. It feels good to cry it out sometimes. Ain’t no shame in that. Good luck for further Endeavors 🙋🏽‍♂️


Oh, Red! What a beautiful story. I’m so glad you shared this with us, and that you got to share such a powerful moment with a stranger. Its a wild feeling, isn’t it? Much love!! Now.... to watch that animation.


Great movie - keep up this great work

Jason Bourne

Im glad to hear that Red. Sometimes thats all we need for our sanity. Loving movie night too btw


Red I send you all my support and my love to you if you have to talk with someone you don't know I'm here. Have good day.

Will Johnson

Great way to start my morning. Mary's huge clit throbing?????? Yep please!

Ciarán M

Before saying anything about the animation, I just want to say that I'm really happy to hear that things are going better for you now! Life was throwing some serious curveballs your way this year and it's great to hear that things are looking better 😸 And as for the story of the nurse, I'm really glad that someone did that for you and that it made you feel so much better 💜 (Sorry, I'm not good at sappy stuff... I'm so bad in fact that my ex-girlfriend said I was like a robot 😅😹) But now to look at the animation! That opening is just so insanely good, I do love Mary's expressions and the movements in her shorts as her bulge grows, twitches and eventually pops out of her shorts, as always, the sliding foreskin is just... perfect! And then the scene moves forward and we get to see a fully bottomless Bella wearing a purple lingerie bra and you better believe that I wasn't ready for that! 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜 Also maybe this is my imagination but it looks like there's something different about the characters, maybe it's lighting or it's the textures, I'm not sure. Whatever it is, I like it! 😻 And what is also immediately noticeable as always now is just how lifelike your characters are, their subtle movements, expressions, just everything about them has this energy to it that I just love so much 😸 That's something that I say all the time now but I always feel that it's worth repeating! As is becoming tradition, I won't talk about anything spoiler here just in case but I do have to say that when Mary is sucking Maggie's weenis, goodness it is so well animated! The way everything interacts and moves looks so sensual and sexy. And every time I see my Bella... uh, just Bella, she's not mine... sadly... uh, where was I going with this? Oh yeah! Bella just looks so damned beautiful, her expressions and big blue eyes are adorable and I do love her paler skin tones which look extra sexy when she's bottomless 💙💙 Oh but when we come out of Maggie's dream and we see Mary fully naked on her hands and knees, her skin textures and the way the white lighting accentuates her curves is simply divine, with Maggie benefitting too from these wonderful lighting effects. I just realised something, I can compliment something I like that might be a spoiler by just writing a timestamp! As an example, Bella's expression at around 5:55 is just so cute! And what Mary starts doing at around 6:09 is so very sensual and sweet and I love it. Bella's "Let's gooooooooooo!" moment feels like it'd be a great little meme moment, especially with how happy and cute she is 😹 Oooooh, what a cliffhanger! Bring on part 2! 😻😻😻😻😻 Seriously though, this 1st part was awesome, super sensual and sexy, all the characters look fantastic and are so well animated. The scene is cute and funny too. You, Agent Blue and the voice actresses all did a great job with this one, fantastic work! 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 And again, I'm glad that you're doing and feeling better, Red, and I hope that that continues for you!


Damn Red. You knocked it out of the park. BTW I love that Mary grew back her pubes, all shaped and manicured.

Terrence Bohlken

OK...NOW...This could not be more life like if it was real people in a movie........Wait a minute this was way more life like than some people Ive seen in movies.......Marys cock animation is right on in every scene...Could not be more real ever..Amazing and the hand action with Mary on Maggies soft cock is fantastic.....So real and....Well I could go on and on but I would rather go back and watch it about 20 more times to catch all the details ........Perfection Red sheer Perfection.........And as always Maggie is the perfect Daddys Girl...and twins....OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Glad that a little good shone into the troubles - amazing what a little human decency can do. Perhaps the corner is turning. Great animation too, by the way.


super! Thank you. We are waiting for the continuation


The tender moments between Mary and Maggie were absolutely fabulous, Red!!! No one was penetrating any orifice but the loving & lustful expressions on their faces was sooooo sexy. Personally, I think Mary is falling in love with her daughter since her cock and clit were in overdrive the whole time...and the leaking pussies were....well....hngh!!!


Honestly not what I was expecting and wasn't intrigued or enjoyed. I would have rather seen something like Mary and Tara penetrating one another. Or Tara penetrating Maggie. But beggars can't be choosers.


Your story brought a tear to my eye. Thank you for sharing it. 😏

bobby stronzheim

Was really nice to read all of the good stuff going on on your end after all of the struggles, I'm glad you are on the other side of it all! And man oh man does it show, I felt the return of the agent red passion in this one 🙂 THE GREAT: - Lots of weenies getting hard, lots of contractions, balls tightening, soft weenie physics etc. IT WAS GLORIOUS, one of my favorite staples of yours and it felt like you added them at the best times in the scenes. It wasn't that it was missing from the last few entries, I just think having multiple instances of getting hard/contractions in different angles with all the characters solidifies your style and makes the gals seem more into the scene instead of porno actors going position by position -Lighting and skin textures Somehow you made everything more HD than ever, but I can't put a finger on what exactly changed. Hard to explain but I'm sure there is science behind it - Mary's tongue action and hips 😏 I'm SO GLAD you added some tongue game to this one! It adds so much spice and I hope you do more of it in the future -Camera angles They were some of the best you have done ever and idk why; if I had to guess I think its because you transitioned from the sex to the contractions to the reactions etc, it REALLY improved the flow of the scene without interrupting the sexy feel SHIT I DID NOT LIKE: - hand holding i don't kink shame red but come on... MAYBE A POLL NEXT TIME -YOU FEELING BAD i am glad the nurse gave you a hug for all of us, can't underestimate the value of having just one person in this world having your back at a bad time. My final thoughts are that I loved it a ton, even without a cumshot scene (seriously its OK that it wasn't there this time, the diehard cum fountain fans like me will live)! And this was the non sex heavy portion?!?@!? -Much love as always from ya boi Bobert, and cheers to a better 2021 :)


Link to Drop Box is not working for me. Saying it does not exist? Anyone else having that issue?


Looks like all Drop box links for you aren't working Agent :(

Alan Covel

i wish i were there to be give you a hug. i have been going through difficult times also , but i'm a man and i am supposed to suck it up and not let it bother me. DO NOT believe this!! I am looking for my person to hug me and tell me that I'm going to get through this. I have been suffering from depression for many years and it has alienated me from my family . My sister expects the drugs to make me a different person but i still am sad. if only i could find that nurse. i need her to hold my hands and hug me while i cry. you are exactly right .if you know someone going through tough times, hold their hands and tell them they're going to get through this. i am here for you Red , i know you're going to make it and i will be the first one to congratulate you


I had issue with the dropbox link..could watch half on Mega link, is there going be second for dropbox?


Am only one having issues with the dropbox link?


I feel you express an enormous range of insight, sensitivity and warmth in your animations. To use your platform to share your ‘nurse experience’ is both courageous and confirmation of your compassion! Thank you for sharing, you have soared in my estimation!


Удачи тебе в твоих делах и твоём творчестве. Что касается жизненных проблем - выше нос и только позитивные мысли! Good luck with your business and your creativity. As for life's problems-cheer up and only positive thoughts!

Terrence Bohlken

I actually watched this till I wore out my computer screen...LOL....I could literally watch Marys cock going soft to hard...OVER AND OVER AND.....Well you get the idea...Such great detail Red...Fantastic....And that hot little scene at the end with Mary kissing all over Maggie....YUMMMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Terrence Bohlken

OH yes and My opinion on the Marys cock size issue........Please dont change the perfection that is Marys cock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Morning Red. I’m glad your feeling better and that things are starting to calm down for you. As always your animations are freaking awesome. You can tell how far you’ve come since you started, the animations keep getting better and better. Movie night is definitely my favorite one so far. The way Mary gets into it and the way she looks at Maggie is breath taking. I’ve told you before, Mary & Maggie are my fav but Bella is looking good to. I also want to Acknowledge the actress who is portraying Mary. The sounds she makes, WOW!!!!

Black Zeus

We love you Red. I’m glad you’re feeling better. I hope that everything works out for you, and that the remainder of this year is nothing but amazing 💛💛💛


Feel better!

John McCarthy

Dropbox says error 404 can't find page your looking for ...


ava red thank you sooo much!! you are an artistic genius!! I understand as an artist you must move on to other projects but please try to bring Mary and the girls around once in a while.....

John McCarthy

Just read your experience ... wow , maybe some times just a hug and some one that cares and listens can work magic in your heart ... I believe that in mine ... cherish that moment OK red ...


It really had a huge impact on me and I wish more people could experience something like that cause I have a feeling not so many have


Thinking of you man. Stay strong! Peace and love from London x


When can we expect the second part


I scanned the fan comments and I can't think of anything I could share that wouldn't perfectly encapsulate how I feel about you and your work. Your fans know you, love your work and care about you as do I. Thank you.


you should do a footjob scene....That would be hot.


when will part 2 be?


I like Bella more now then previously. But I like how far she’s come I hope hope you remaster old episodes

Terrence Bohlken

Sorry about making the site go bonkers....But after I watched this 524 times it just got overloaded................But OMG the little details in here......When Mary is Kissing Maggie...Marys clit is moving in that little animation...........And its so easy to love Marys cock growing in all the scenes.....Great Work Red!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bob Noxious

What is live? NOTHING!!! I'm done here, if I'm paying for shit that DOESNT WORK I'm GONE!!!


ETA: Part 2?

Joseph Moore

Red, every animation you outdo yourself! I love the fact that their balls contract when they throbb, it's a small detail but oh so delicious! I also didn't miss Mary's pulsating pussy when there was that rear-shot while she had a cock in her mouth. I can't wait to see more!


Your best job so far. Is so good quality of everything now.


The sound is perfect. Thank you.


I'm so glad things are finally getting back together for you as we live in this new norm. Life tends to throw punches sometimes and we have to bounce back, i'm so glad you bounced back I love your animations keep up the excellent work and as always look forward to seeing more Stay safe stay strong


Please add belly bulge action in Part 2


MEGA link does not work