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I am going to release Movie Night in 2 parts. Part 1 will be coming out probably by the 17th. I am doing this because the back half felt rushed and I don't want it to be. Mainly because my house flooded.


We are going to release Movie Night in 2 Parts. The reason we are doing this is because I feel the 2nd half deserves more attention and action. I feel if we tried to release it this month it would feel rushed and I simply don't want to do that. As of now, the animation is already around 8 minutes long (without the second half). The first half is a little more acting heavy and the second half is a little more sex heavy.

As you know, my house flooded and I am not currently staying in my home. My equipment is at a family members house and I am staying in an apartment while my house is repaired. While I am still working at least five days a week, I am unable to work at night and on the weekends like I usually did. This has naturally causes some delays in the production process. I am really sorry about this and I have tried everything I can to avoid this but some issues are impossible to avoid when I don't have my equipment a few feet from my bedroom. On the plus side, I believe I will be back into my home late this month.

On top of this, AgentBlue has made a major move to where they live and that has caused delays on their end too. So, we feel the best thing to do is to release the first 8 minutes as one animation and really give the second half the attention it deserves instead of rushing it. This will allow us to extend it a little and possibly add more sex positions/segments.

Also, I have been very hard at work getting some things prepped for a brand new series coming later this year as well as a special animated short movie. My plate is very full right now but I am actively working to hire one or two more individuals to help speed up the process. As I have said before, my goal by the end of the year is to release one full new animation each and every month. I believe we are really close to that and with a little lucky we can get there in a couple months.

I hope you understand my decision making here and hopefully it makes sense to you. My ultimate goal is to create really high quality, enjoyable, sexy content on a regular basis and I am still trying to figure out the best way to do that.

Thank you so much for being here. I owe everything I have in this world to your support and I am working my hardest not to let you down. I will keep improving and creating as long as you are here!



Getting a slightly earlier release for half of it works for me. :) Might I suggest also that either a completed version of both parts put together is also made, or even that completed version IS part 2.


Good luck for your House


Definitely would like to see a part 2 or later version of the whole thing released together


As I said for eevery creators that I follow, take your time to make the better animation you can made.


Good luck Red, hopefully your render farm can keep up with all this content :-)


So did you actually say "This will allow us to extend it a little and possibly add more sex positions/segments."??? That would definitely be worth the wait. So would a big dick Maggie cumflating her twin in a dream sequence and...okay....sorry...I gotta stop soaking my Oreos in pickle juice...


do what you have to do. you gotta take care of your own life stuff.


Jumbo cock Mary!


Do your thing. Never rush a passion project, enjoy yourself. Peace & L


You're a fool red if you think you're letting us down! We know you're working hard and I hope a speedy recovery to your house. Just try not to over work yourself too much!


ava red, you already have us, so don't apologize. Can't wait for the new animation and please, keep Mary and the girls around for awhile, okay? Please?


Low key gonna try the Oreo and pickle juice.... I’ll let ya know how it goes 🤣


All good!!!


Take the time you need for it, don't stress yourself

Terrence Bohlken

Its all good and OH YA Everyone just HATES a longer version of the story.NOOOOTTTT!!!!!!!!.......The more story the better as far as This old pervert is concerned....Oh and having said all this....Im not a big fan of changing Marys perfect Cock anytime soon.....Just leave perfection alone......

Captain Marder

jumbo cock, jumbo clit, double cock

Andrew Rowe

That's terrible! Take care of you, us patrons can wait. Seriously, take care of your housing situation, Red.


take ur time.


all well Red, take your time


it is my sole belief, that you Are Capable of achieving pure sexual greatness with your animation of character's and create a sexualy exciting production. take you time. Im patient. phap phap. oh maybe not.


I'm a fan of all your work, but I love your centaurs the most and hope that after you get some more space in your busy busy schedule, you can make more fantasy content like centaurs, ogres, fairies, pixies or maybe a mino- or holstaur 😊


Is the plan still to release part 1 on the 17th?

Bob Noxious

What happened to the "fap fap fap" option you usually include???


still releasing today?