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Hello all! First off here is a little preview of Mary putting Anna in her place a little =)

Direct Link to Preview: https://www.dropbox.com/s/od5jhxt0f3zbzjz/AMRL7_part02_scene01_v04.mov?dl=0

Also, I wanted to let you know that a pipe froze and busted in my house flooding my home. I do have insurance that will help a lot with the situation but this is my first time ever going through something like this and the situation is just really sad and really scary.

I think I was able to save all my "work computer stuff" and I setup my main computer at a family members house. I am not sure if I will be able to get all my render machines working but I think I can get at least 1 of them up.

I am not sure how long it will be until I able to render at full capacity but I will keep you updated. In the mean time, a lot of animation work is still going to get done by AgentBlue and I as I still have my main PC. Rendering will probably fall way behind until I figure out how to get my other PC's up and running.

To anyone else going through this... or anything, I hope that you are safe, comfortable and warm as you can be! Hopefully this little clip can bring you a small amount of joy! I will be working as hard as I can to get everything back up and running asap to release AMRL7 Part 2 as soon as possible.

Ill post another update later this week! Have a good night, stay safe please!!!


(No title)



Please stay safe and warm Red!!

Alexis Rosado

Pex piping would reduce that risk

thomas d bontempo

Hope everything works out fine for you

Jim Nobody

Yay frozen pipes. Had that happen to mine last year right after I moved in. Had to replace the entire kitchen floor. x__x Stay warm.

Ciarán M

Oh so sorry to hear of all the trouble you're having, I hope that everything gets sorted for you as soon as possible! As for this animation preview, it's looking really great! I really like Mary's movements, like throwing her head back as she's stroking and her cock moves and flops while in her hand. Anna looks really good too and I like how she looks cute and coy as she reaches up to touch Mary and then the sudden snap as her hand is slapped away. The sudden camera cut to a new angle to see her reaction as she sinks back onto the bed is a nice touch too. You and Blue are doing great work! And again, I hope that everything goes well for you 💜💜💜


Please stay safe. You and your work are amazing. You are in my prayers


Nice preview... sorry about your house :(


Hang in there! Sending as much good juju as possible!


DO NOT worry about rendering! Family, home, health come first! We will be here when this mess clears :)


I’m so sorry to hear about your home! That does sound really stressful. ☹️ Please take all of the time you need to get yourself together. You, your health, and your safety are so much more important. 💖 Sending good vibes!!


I hate to hear that Red. Stay safe. I’m really pleased to see Mary return to the form we all know and love.

Captain Marder

Oh gosh, things there getting crazier day by day... We can wait. You get your stuff sorted out first. This will give Mary time to save up a super huge load for Anna 😆 ... that's how it works right 🤣 ?


Good luck Red, I hope you get everything back to normal in your house soon!


Sorry to hear about what happened Red. And don't worry about delays as you have to deal with real life first and sometimes we get some nasty things thrown at us. I know it's too little too late, but going forward it's a good idea to keep a supply of sealed matches & candles on hand for emergencies as the candles can be used for light and if you place a few with their flames just below the pipes it will keep them from freezing. Even plastic PVC pipes can be heated this way as you just wrap the sections your going to heat in tinfoil first to they're not directly exposed to the flame. And candles can even be used for conventional heat as if you place a few together and then put an upside down pot over them (raised so it doesn't snuff the candles) so that their flames are just touching the metal the flames will heat the metal which will begin to radiate enough heat to keep a small room above freezing.


And I loved the preview! In fact I'm starting to think Anna may be in a lot of trouble.


Anna's turn to get a full belly lolol


Red, just worry about you and getting your house and everything fixed. We all understand that shit happens. Btw, nice preview.


Hi hello Red. Sorry to hear the news on the pipe and I hope your home and world are back to normal asap. ..I overlooked mentioning how I loved AMRL7 p1. Another gem that should win awards. .. didn't want it to end. ..what iif any is the best way to drop you an occasional note? ..good luck with the home disaster. xo


Do not worrie. You get yourself fix. We will be hear waiting with baited breath. No rush. What you are dealing with is life changing. We care about you, so you stay safe and warm too....


A pipe broke in my house last night too. Flooded the entire first floor. So I definitely sympathize. Good luck to you dealing with the clean up, dealing with insurance, and getting back to normal.


Oh my god i hope your okay please stay safe Red luv u

Les Bonser

Sorry to hear about your misfortune. I do appreciate your small preview. Do whatever you need to get your life back on track. I'm a patient person; I can wait for the next episode.


Wish you all the best if needed take break don't stress over this all love from Denmark ♥️


Hang in there Red. We’ve got your back. PS I’ve worked with engineers to rescue high end gear from flood damage (extinguishers) and learned from them using alcohol to dry out any soaked gear can save it as long as it didn’t short out.


and I’ve used rice to suck moisture out of lenses if you’re just experiencing condensation. Good luck with the cleanup. I’ve dealt with similar more than a few times so I feel ya.


The most important thing right now is to take care of yourself, both mentally and physically. We can wait for more content when it's ready.


we are here for you keep up your spirits.


first focus on your real life and home. any pc got damaged in that process?


You have a "Family" out here that are sending good vibes to you. Wishing you the very best. Do you by chance live in Texas? Supposed to get some warmer weather this weekend. Should help dry things up a little. Hope the damage to your house is not too extensive.


I hope this is only a minor set back to the abundance that is coming your way. All my best to you Red.


Hi Don't panic. Take care of it first. It's more important, we'll wait and support you here.

dan mahoney

Whatever. Doesn't kill you. ..Makes you strong. Least you have heat. From your rigs. ..Post a pic pls. @Zippy. You got family here. ..Need help holler. I lost it all Cerro Grande Fire. 2000


Hope all is well with your home and equipment. Every story and animation is well worth the wait for your supporters, so don't worry about us, make sure you got everything taken care of on your side! <3