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Hello all! I have some good news and probably some more good news!

Good news #1 = It look's like Kitten Milf should be released a little earlier than originally planned. I am thinking Wednesday the 27th or worst case scenario the 28th. HOORAY

Good news #2 = When I released the upcoming lineup, I forgot to mention Mary's JOI is coming out in APRIL before BUCKED UP. Bucked Up & Fairy Pawg Mother #2 should be released in May

OK THATS IT! I am going to get back to work on Kitten Milf! See you later this week! Until then, please show a penis in need some love. Remember, penises are people too. They have feelings, thoughts, emotions, and bills to pay just like the rest of us.



Fingers crossed for an early release today :3


Status? Coming out today?