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  • Slap Sound Test 7.mp4
  • Jacko Pose Revenge 4.mp4



We came SOOOO CLOSE to breaking $2k! We were over the line for most of the month!
Then... in the last 48 hours about $350 worth of Patrons walked out the door and we're back to square one :P

But regardless I wanted to thank you all for such amazing support! So above is a sexy gif I did and below are 3 vids I made with sound effects and such, for a little fun :)

This is the stuff you COULD be getting if we could JUST stay above $2k! lol

Lets hope next month we pass the line and STAY there! :)

Gemma xxx




sorry you fell short. it is good though to see someone making money from their art. gives me hope!


There's always hope! I'll get past that $2k line and stay above it one day :D Maybe... lol

Mike Hart

Well I just joined to help you get closer. 😎