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As promised, here's an early look at the upcoming animation! This preview is admittedly a bit rougher that usual and lacks sound, music, and a lot of post production, which is in part due to the render going quite a bit slow. The last 30 seconds are basically fresh out of the render rig and have literally been added in the last hour, which means that there's been no image treatment done for this. It's also missing all the screen effects such as the tongue on glass, water droplet and lens fogging VFX, which means that things will look a bit sterile.

MEGA (4K): Link
MEGA (1080p):

Throughout the recent weeks I thought I had been particularly slow with animating this, as I assumed that the full animation was just shy of 3 minutes. However, after laying out all the scenes today I realized I was quite reserved with this estimate, as just comping all of the current scenes together already resulted in a total runtime of 3:40, and that is without counting the additional hand in mouth scene I've yet to animate or the credits. With these two additions this will probably end up as a 4-minute animation. And here this thing was supposed to be a small teaser, oh well...

The main animation is pretty much done. I'll spend two additional days polishing the remaining scenes up a bit and then animate in additional inside maw scene, which I'm estimating to animate in a couple of days. After this the render will be going non-stop, while I'll focus on other stuff such as post production, music, and probably getting a few more samples from Chloé's VA. The sound design will mostly be done by Darkwitt again and carry some strong ASMR vibes. It'll be quite detailed and sensual, which is why cramming in a preview of the sound wasn't quite possible yet. 

Seeing how this animation has turned out so long I'd say that late March is looking more likely for the full release. There's still well over 3000 frames left to render, and while I'll see if I can optimize the render speed a bit further, I don't want to compromise the quality of the second half, especially since it carries most of the juicy parts.

I'll have another update in 2 weeks, likely with some render playblasts of the later scenes, though I probably won't be spoiling anything I haven't shown yet!




OH. MY. GOD THE FUR IS ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!!! The interaction with it and the environment is so great! There's only one issue I have with it... There was no meme at the end lmao, such as "Hey! You're finally awake!" With the fade to black, or "Snap back to reality" /j The excitement has peaked <3