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Hello everyone! Some of y'all may know what's been going on for me on my end the past couple months, but I have been wrapping up my 4 years of Active Duty. Hard to believe it's been 4 years since I left for Fort Moore (Formerly Benning), I remember that day like it was yesterday.

I got out late August and began heading back to Miami shortly after. I've been back for over a month now, and so far, been trying to get signed on with the VA, get set to officially link up with my Guard unit, as well as get my employment situation figured out. But overall, I've mostly been decompressing, trying not to worry about much of anything for a while. I still have a fair amount of things I gotta do before any real normalcy can return, but I will start uploading more consistently here on out.

It's so liberating to be back in a familiar area again, but of course common annoyances have caught back up to me, namely the traffic here. Ugh.

I've definitely still been doing artwork in between, experimenting with a number of different things, as well as pouring more effort into trying to make functional models in Blender. I've made strides on the Shandra model, but it's still far from presentable. The struggle is trying to tell my inner perfectionist to chill the f@&# out.

It's gonna take me a moment to pick up where I left off here and get the rewards pack out before the end of this week.



Welcome back


Hold the Phone they renamed Ft Benning!!! Damn.