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That time of the month again, ya'll! Toss a question my way for any character in my roster, and I'll pick a few and have the characters they're directed to sketched out, answering them! 



@Anya How was it adjusting to the American way of living with Steven when you left the Soviet Union?


@Silva do you visit any of your children, and how many do you have? Plus, have you ever had one in your life that you would call your mate, and have you ever met Shandra?


@missy: being a next gen fighter for the US Air Force, have you ever had any assignments that were exceptionally noteworthy to you.....something that stands out amongst other assignments, especially if you got to meet other Aeros in the process?


@Samuel: I'd assume some missions would warrant some non standard equipment. Aeros like yourself would no doubt have some custom handheld firearms, say a shoulder fired 20mm rotary, over the shoulder Bushmaster or something like that. Have any examples?


@Shandra About my last questions: It is very sad to hear that your child was taken away from you. I want to ask if I can something do for you? Can I invite you to a coffee so that you can talk about your problems?


@USA aeromorphs It seems time and effort was taken to have fighter and UAS morphs, but what about "heavies" e.g. the B-2, the B-52, or B-1. I have no doubt that the idea was art least considered.


Follow up questions about the human partners: I dare need to ask but is there enough assigned humans for every aero or does jealousy ever take place between two aeros in love with a human?


Question for any Aeromorph willing to answer, I'll just be blunt and short about it. What are your breasts used for and how do they work? For the long of it, I've heard many rumors. Most notably that seems common all around is that they are fuel tanks of sorts, so are they reserves for you with direct feeding in the inside, or are they only for offspring through the nipples? Do they function only after giving birth/laying a clutch, or can they be coaxed at any time with enough stimulation? The full list of questions could go on and on.