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 Well, it's been a month since the page has been launched, and I  appreciate the support you've all given me. I know my pacing for  February has been a bit on the slow side, but I am still getting used to  trying to pace myself and set personal schedules to keep the flow going  while focusing on the commission queue and allowing myself to get some  R&R at the same time.

So yesterday, I sent out the $5+ rewards, and ran into a couple snags  with some patrons. When the first pay cycle went through, some failed to  process due to either declined transfers or were flagged as fraudulent,  and this could be due to many possible, but different circumstances. I  have sent notes out to those flagged. Originally giving them 5 business  days to get things sorted out, but after giving it some thought and  asking other Creators, it just hit me that since this is the first month  and such, and that some may not have used patreon before or may not  have put in proper payment info yet, I have decided to rescind the 5 day  deadline and extend it to a month or so to get it sorted out to be  fair. However, there were a few that were flagged BEFORE the first, and I  tried getting in touch with them to try straightening it out before  March 1st, but they haven't tried contacting me yet.

A lot of it is still trial and error here for me, I'm still learning,  asking other creators and getting used to this site and how to run this  page. I apologize if I make any mistakes, jump back and forth, or jump  the gun on some things, this is still a whole new ball field for me. I'm  scared piss-less of doing something wrong, but history has proven  you've sometimes gotta make the wrong decision before you can make the  right one. In the end, feedback really helps.                               



Hopefully it all get's resolved for the best there.


The fraudolent ones, u can delete them. And add another tier with more benefits :D


I have entertained the idea of going with "Up Front" to cull out the legit fraudulent ones, but I'm going to wait a while before i consider going that route.


A big problem of Patreon is there are a lot of people that will try to game it by pledging at a tier and then back out before pay time to try and get the rewards, such as see your WIPS and whatnot without having to pay. It'sa lot better these days, but don't worry about them too much. If they haven't replied to you, they are probably these kind of people. Don't feel bad about giving them the boot!