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What's this? Ren's alive? And he's finally gotten off his ass and cooked up something???

A little more overture on Shandra's part!

Yeah, I know I've been slow with this. Busy with Army stuff and working on getting my groove back. Thankfully I've got some wips on the block I aim to get done soon. However, of course, just as I'm getting my drive back, Uncle Sam's got plans for me for the next two weeks. >.<

Expect an update on the MiG-31 soon! Now, off to bed I go!



Reiku Yin

Looking forward to seeing this rendered out to put it together better.

Big bad boys

I love shaundra but for some odd reason I don’t like watching her get captured and banged it’s an odd feeling I don’t understand it


Oh, this will have a different tone to it, in addition to having a little more going for it too!

Big bad boys

Oh nice okay I wish I could get my own areo but I gots no money

Quantum Nova

Noice! Was getting nervous we weren't gonna see an update! Take care of yourself.