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Gonna drop this before I hit the hay.

If my last post were any indicator to what is on my mind lately, here be some of the monochrome images I've been working on lately as a result. I've grown to really enjoy doing these too, as they're largely quick and easy to do up. With some, the whites and blacks are appropriated where I can apply a color overlay sometime in the future!

Most are relevant to what's going on in my head lately. I'll be expanding on the stories for some of these later.

Firstly, my arctic vixen, Karen, catching someone's wandering eye. There will be alternate versions of this one. x3

Next, Chris sporting his spec-ops loadout, and the next with him arriving at Basic (all with a new look). The latter being the result of me thinking about what furs much more naturally geared for the winter would go through in the military, like having their thicker coats shaved short in order to help them cope with the weather. Clearly he doesn't look too fond of it!

Then there's one I did a while back with Veronika, as a child, with her mother, Natasha. Not only does she bear witness to a historic event, but also witnesses a symbolic end to a dark chapter in her and Natasha's personal lives, and the beginning of an uncertain future, but one they can certainly march into with a smile. (This one is the only one with a limited color pallet.)

Finally, Bradley, my bad-boy fox-mix, posing with his Nissan Skyline GT-R R35 back in high school (were it in color, it'd have the same scheme as Paul Walker's Skyline from F&F, a series of movies Brad grew up on), and finally him during his graduation from Boot Camp at San Diego.




Looks awesome Ren!


Great works