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Happy New Years

Once again, Happy New Years, people! Hope your transition into the new year went over smoothly, and I hope there was plenty of booze too, cause I know I got my Dutch Courage on last night for the new year. I'm both ashamed and not ashamed to admit that I can get a little fucked up off of cheap champagne. xP

Rewards Restructuring

Since I've been struggling to keep up with them, I've been thinking of suspending the AMAs, or at least making them a quarterly event, something I'd do once every three months. But with the latter, which seems a bit more likely, I would be able to pick and do more. Maybe even color some in!

What gets me with these is that while there are good questions, it takes me a while to figure out just how to answer some of them without going into too much detail, too much out of character with the characters answering, or putting together ideas to make the answers interesting.

I'll come to a conclusion when I post the December AMA.

Art Agenda

So, not only do I have droughts of creativity and productivity every so often, I notice that I'm also disorganized as all hell. So, to help with this, I'm not only setting a schedule for myself for when to focus on art that needs to be done (particularly commissions), but also a list of ideas so that ya'll are guaranteed two or three images each month. Most are holiday-themed, but it's a start. Don't ask me why I didn't think of this sooner, I am struggling to figure that out myself, and I'm still kicking myself for it.

And commissions? I'll definitely be opening up soon. I know I said I'd try and open in November, but I ran into setbacks. I saw I was ill-prepared then, had to write a whole new TOS and I will be making forms to fill out. I'm a little more prepared now than before, and I'm a hair away from finishing what's left of my old queue. Sit tight, people!



It sounds like you have a good plan of action set up to try and facilitate a lot of these changes/ideas for 2019. I would venture to say that this should make for a productive year X3