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Well, Not Your Sky 2 was an interesting project. Just a little over two full years of effort and support from ya'll. While I kinda had fun with it, the comic was... Simply put, a mess. In more ways than one.

For one, I didn't plan for NYS2 to stretch out this long. But at some point in the midst of the story, I wanted to try and do what Xpray was doing with his Last Survivor comics (I recommend giving it a read) in that they had a story to go with them. So ultimately, the comic wound up stretching out this long.

Another very serious issue I had with the comic is that apart from a simple idea, I had no real story fleshed out for it whatsoever. Most of the comic is all improvised, which is why some pages with actions and dialogue seemed out of key with later pages.

And another thing is that because the comic was drawn out so long, my art style noticeably changes as time goes by to the point where it's mildly inconsistent.
Take the flanker twins for example; on page 11 their necks and cheeks are normal, but on page 14, they now have the chines along their cheeks and necks.
Page 12, Nika's intakes are receded down to her collarbones, but on Page 23, she now features the more modern Su-57 look I utilize with the intakes being raised up. Shandra even sports newly added details from thereon too.

Last but certainly not least, the fucking drama that came with doing this comic. Some of you all may already know the full extent of what's happened, but to avoid any further drama, I won't go into further detail or name anyone. That chapter is literally behind me now, and I've learned a some BIG lessons from this comic, and it gives me a LOT to think about in the future.

In conclusion, although NYS2 was... Fun, it could have been so much better, and I'm... Really kinda glad it's behind me now. I assure you, it'll be better with NYS2 Episode 1 and Episode 2. :P


The future.

So, what now? Well, firstly, now that I'm pretty much done with this chapter, I've taken a huge workload off my shoulders, and now I can try and concentrate on finishing up my old commission queue and officially open up again.

When I do open, I will be tackling things very differently than before. If you've read my FA journal, I'll only be taking 4 or 5 at a time at a flat rate with some limits on what goes into the image for the sake of pacing. The terms are liable to change.

There will of course be more image sequences in the future, of the likes of "Right Up Your (MiG) Alley" with Riley and Ji-Ae. We've still yet to conclude Sam's father's day pic, and I have something in mind regarding Shandra, and one with Drake the F-117, just to name a few!

You also will probably see me collaborating with someone on a small project in the near future too, featuring the Flanker Twins!

Last, but certainly not least...

Some of you all may already know that I have 'Not Your Sky 3' in the works. It'll be done with notes and lessons taken from NYS2, so I can try to deliver pages at a more consistent pace, keep things in key, and avoid as much stress as possible. Mostly to just take a break from this arc.

Without saying too much, most of the details are likely subject to change, but I will say this; It will feature an original cast from my roster (can pretty much do what I want now), North Korea will most likely be the central baddies in this one, it'll be less... Heavy-hearted, and actually feature the Americans delivering the ass-pounding this time around!

Unlike NYS2, I'll be focusing more on the story and whatnot first before I begin work on the pages. So I can prepare them much more in advance, and produce more pages in less time, if not keep it from stretching on too long.

There is a catch though. I probably won't be dedicating myself fully to NYS3 until I've dealt with some of the aforementioned things above, relaxed a bit, and really lighten my workload first. Atop of that, I've got some RL stuff I wanna focus on too. I'd like to try and get the story and such done before Christmas and start on the pages.

Anyway, ya'll, thanks for supporting me through all this! I'm gonna call it a night here, as it's right at the ass-crack of dawn.

I will send the rewards out when I wake up, and post the "Ask Me" for this month shortly after!



I am incredibly proud of you! It's been an amazing journey watching NYS2. I'm excited to see what you have in store for the future, babe. I can't wait to see the ideas you mentioned come to life! You can relax and begin picking off the commissions! Everything will move along so quickly you won't even know where the time went! Have a good sleep and we'll be all waiting for the rewards package! :3

Arkanaknight Jaguar

NYS2, episode 1 and 2, you've gone half life on us. Scared me for a minute thought you were quitting the comic, glad you're not. I've loved this work from the moment I found it. It literally got me into aeromorphs. So I look forward to whenever these comics continue. Ignore the drama's, all they do is complain. Episode format would make it faster and Easier to do, plus more mini works like UYmigA, sounds like the future is bright. When you said NYS3 would have us doing the pounding I had mixed feelings for a moment, cause losing was fun and I wanted Zhu Ya to win, though seeing her eat her own ego and get bloated wins as well. But the I remembered she's Chinese so never mind. Victory for our side incoming in the distant future. Well take it easy and see you on the other side.


It is fine to give a comic a break from time to time and that's fair to do as long you plan to return back.


NYS2 was how I found you, take all time you need because your art is always worth it.


At this point, I think the change-up is a wise choice. A break was in order from this to refocus and reorganize a bit. And... to be honest, those other ideas that involve your other aeromorph members do sound exciting! I for one am excited to see what other ideas you may be finally able to share with us all here. I'm sure we'll all be equally excited to see what you have in store for us next. Keep up all the awesome work there Ren!


Drama with someone? I hope we're not going to see characters disappearing. :( It's always best to plan shit like this out dude, trust me. Was a very good read though; it was awesome getting each page! Well done!

Chris-Jon Simmons

wow, heavy stuff! :O I don't think I realized how much trouble NYS2 was causing you, aside from it being so much longer than nys1. *hugs* I do hope you can find a groove that works better for you for future projects, and I'll be among those excited to see where you go from here and the great progress we know you'll make. you have the support of your friends and patrons, so we're ready to see where you and your stylus take us. ^..^


What about zhu ya? I wonder if you have any plans for that aero?


American's delivering the ass pounding next time you say?! Awesome! Can't wait to see what you come up with ^_^


Is there a way to download this comic?