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Yeah, I had plans of doing something like this for a long time now. Some of you may hate me for ruining your childhood, some of you may love me for it too.

Would technically be my very first car-morph. I would usually see carmorphs as typically having rubber 'stockings' on their arms and legs, though, I didn't put too much technical thought into this, as in make her look like something from 1909 like I would do with aeromorphs and their respective eras. As I wanted to deliberately make it so ya'll won't watch CCBB the same way again. >:3

Pretty Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, we love you!

And sorry for the delay on the AMA, I'll have the July answers up soon!




Hahaha I actually like this! <3


Man I really want to see Ren just make morphs of everything now. Would love to see him try a tankmorph or something.


Nice! Now I'm never going to hear that movie's theme song the same way again.


I really want Ren to do some morphs of other than planes. Maybe battleships?


Car morphs?! Oh hell yeah, would approve of that too!

Sebastian delaBarra

Well I didn't think anyone will make Rule 34 of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang