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So I thought it was time I did a new adoptable line, as I feel the F-22 and F-23 set has dragged on long enough, at least that generation of them. I may revisit the Raptors and Widows in the future with additional schemes, but for now, the official lineup is done.

It's time to move on, and I thought the esteemed EF Typhoon deserves some love too! I had a little fun working on this one.

Initially, I never thought much about it due to it's delta wing and forward canard design, but after reading into it and learning a little bit about it's history and development, color me interested. More so knowing that it's one of the few Western aircraft that can go toe to toe with the F-22 (but of course the F-22 wasn't designed to fight a Typhoon), and although not a stealth aircraft, it supposedly holds one of the lowest possible RCS (Radar Cross Section) signatures of any 4th gen fighter jet.

Expect an update on these very soon!




My wallet...No! I finally got UberEats to pay me off more! Now you will be the cause of me going broke once more!


Oh neat. I’m curious to see what the final product looks like

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-09 16:54:35 <3
2018-07-28 01:40:18 <3
