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Alright folks, here's that time of the month where Tier 2 patrons pitch questions for characters on my roster, and I pick a few of these questions and have said characters answer in sketch form!

The time window is 1 week, and please ask your own questions.


Nicholas Smith

To any Aero's: Other than Birds, what is one thing you all agree on that is one hazard that can ruin your day and also how bad is it for you to how shall we say this nicely 'Suck A Bird?'.


To Zhu Ya: Considering China is trying to build up it’s deep water navy and exert itself as a naval power, what’s the chances of seeing you out on one of the carrier’s China has planned for the future? Or possibly one of the military bases that China is building by dredging up the seafloor to make artificial islands out towards China’s neighbors?


To any aero, what is more... Upsetting - Getting shot down or being mothballed?

Xyda Azavayl

To Any Aero - Do you find it weird that The Great Voice in the Sky draws several of you out and even some of your erotic moments and openly posts them online?


To Any Male/Herm Aero- Fyodor mentioned that your cum is incredibly dangerous for organics, because of its high toxicity and corrosive properties. With that in mind, how do you keep the mechanics and engineers from being injured when they get frisky during routine cleaning? Do you keep them from going too far? Would you end up with blueballs? (Wait, can Aeros get blueballs?)


To Any Aero - Have any of you ever wish to move away from the military service and start family of your own with a partner?


A question to XB-52: How bombing occurs and what damage do bombs/how many of them can you take at once? And also where do bombs attaching to your body?


To any F-18 Aero: A few days ago a squad of F-18's flew over my neighborhood and set off every car alarm here, was that you guys? Because that was hilarious!