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 Vadim was among a clutch of 10 prototypes, being put into service summer  of 2007, before being subjected to countless tests and modifications  before he and his siblings made their debut to the world in 2010. He was  raised by a former VDV Major by the name of Leonid Valentin, hence his  last name, Valentinovich. Like most of his siblings, Vadim was mocked  and humiliated by contemporary aeros, particularly aged Su-27s and  MiG-29s from the Soviet Era. Viewed as a living case of "monkey see,  monkey do", a cheap flattery of Western advances. Unfortunately for  them, this only strengthened Vadim's resolve, driving him to push  himself to his limits, show them what he really could do, and prove that  the task of defending the motherland in the future was being passed  unto good, capable hands.

To this day, although he's left the prototype phase and has reached  official operational status, he's yet to see actual combat. Until then,  his current duties lie in continued testing, and proudly serving as one  of the primogenitors for the production line of Su-57 Aeromorphs! It's  spelled out a long and busy few years ahead of him.

Alright, so far, the only take I had at a Su-57 was with nikasharkeh 's aero interpretation, and http://www.furaffinity.net/view/24044261/  right here on the far left. With Nika, it was a very basic design with  not that much thought put into the design, and Nika and I decided that  she looks the way she is because she's a heavily modified 'specialist'  derivative. Here, I decided to take a whole new pass at the design, and  introduce a new face in the process, in male form!

Say hello to Vadim Valentinovich, my latest addition to my aero roster!

Hope you all are having a happy Thanksgiving, I know I'm having a good one!                     

Of course, I will include this and all it's alternate versions in this month's rewards pack.




I wonder if he’ll come in to much contact with any aeros from other countries :0

White Chapel

I am wondering the same thing as gunstar.^^

White Chapel

Nice work by the by and happy thanksgiving.


Love to hear about Prototypes. I hope to be a stud like him if I was a Aero.