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I really should just post this every first of the month rather than wait for me to post the answers from last month. Eugh.

Anyway, it's that time again where Tier 2 patrons ask questions directed towards characters on my roster and I pick a few of those questions and have the aforementioned characters respond in sketch form!


White Chapel

Alright, to any aeros out there, this is a very personal question to all of you that are in a relationship be with other ones of your species or ones with a human, either one of you willing to say how your relationship is as well as the fire of love between you two just as strong as the day you first met?


To any any Aero: Have any of you ever had to go through the experience of finding out one of your wing-men, or close friend were a spy? Also what was your most life changing experience on this earth?

Chris-Jon Simmons

I have a question for the lovely lady Aeros. I consider myself very much a breast-man; a lover of breasts of all sorts, so it strikes my mind to ask just how sensitive ya'lls big-chesty fuel tanks really are? Someone like myself hopes that they respond well to manual touches and stimulation. And I wonder if anyone in particular likes to sign-up for particularly long flights just to feel them filled up extra full at the outset?


This is for Silva. What has it been like for you since you were brought out of storage and were transferred to ‘The Rust Squadron?’ Do you assume any duties similar to what you had when on flight status or are you more of an instructor for future generations of Aeromorphs? Or do you assume some sort of Command and Staff role? I'm looking forward to you shedding some light on this unit.


Another question for Ji-Ae, how did you end up catching Nika or did the Soviets let you "borrow" her?


Question for any Bomber or heavy-Lifter Aeromorphs. How does your body accommodate cargo/payload? Do you have a permanent fixed capacity, or is it something you can increase with practise? Can other Aeromorphs carry a pilot, or are their canopies strictly decorative?